Monday, June 4, 2012


“It’s a policy designed to guide people toward a certain kind of behavior. This talk of ‘freedom’ is absurd. No one’s freedom is being taken away.” –Newsweek columnist Michael Tomasky, quoted in a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy blog,

Why is it that writers in the Northeast and on the West Coast know how the rest of the country should live and what we should think, but we aren’t intelligent enough to figure it out by ourselves?

Here’s the deal: Obese people are going to get diabetes and other bad things and they will die and that will happen no matter how much socialibs make us pay for somebody else’s insurance, no matter how much sugar and processed foods we don’t eat. Obesity is a sign of a rich, very rich, country. The fact that obesity seems endemic throughout the industrialized/internetted world indicates a rich, very rich, world.

Was a time when Harvard and Yale were divinity schools, concerned with preaching gospel. The new preachers of liberal-social education have taken another tack, bent on removing our liberties one step at a time.

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