Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sandhill cranes

Sandhills have right of way, and they know it. A Sandhill family will walk onto a street or highway, generally with little to no observation of traffic. They know the traffic is there, but the birds (1) don’t care; or, (2) know you will stop. And that is fine.

Yesterday my wife and I saw at the side of the road a Daddy Sandhill, a Momma Sandhill and two Baby Sandhills. The babies were not much more than a foot high and a light brown. They were the youngest we have seen since we moved here almost 18 months ago.

We got to wondering … Evolutionists would say way back in the past, millions of years ago, Sandhills appeared. Poof! Was there only one Sandhill? Did that one have to wait another year or so until its life-partner also Poofed! Into existence? Maybe so. And since Sandhills summer in Siberia, maybe that first crane said, “It’s getting cold here. Think I’ll go down to Florida. Weather’s good there, so they say.” Or, maybe a Daddy Sandhill and a Momma Sandhill Poofed! at the same time. Or maybe dozens of Sandhills popped into existence.

However it was (and I’ll take the idea God’s mind decided on a bird of a specific form and color and disposition), it is good the cranes decided to tour the peninsula.

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