Friday, June 4, 2021

Black feminist physics

From Maggie’s Farm 

“This week, the Divisional Dean of Social Sciences at the University of Oregon sent an email to faculty ‘to encourage you all to attend this exciting presentation!’, by a visiting physicist, which was described as follows:


“Title: Scientists vs. Science: Race, Gender, and Anti-Intellectualism in Science


“Abstract: Black thought can help us free science from the white supremacist traditions of scientists. Scientists vs. Science will use Black feminist and anti-colonialist analyses to show that white supremacy is a total epistemic system that affects even our most ‘objective’ areas of knowledge production. The talk hinges on the development of the concept of white empiricism, which I introduced to give a name to the way that anti-intellectual white supremacy plays a role in physicists’ analysis of when empirical data is important and what counts as empirical data. This white empiricism shapes both Black women’s (and other) experiences in physics and the actual knowledge produced about physics. Until this is understood and addressed directly, systems of domination will continue to play a major role in the practice of physics.


Got that? Physics must be taught from a “Black feminist and anti-colonialist” perspective. E will no longer equal mc squared. Two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. The speed to escape Earth’s gravity will no longer be 25,020 mph.



1 comment:

  1. That can't end well . Imagine a bridge built with feelings , and not using calculus to figure out the stress loading etc. (because math is hard) I would like to know ,so I can find another rout !


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