Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Weird dreams

I was a dog handler in Korea. (I was in 1965, with 1st Cavalry Division and then 2d Infantry Division, but not like in the dream.) My dog and I were assigned to a large city. Our job was to kill rats. Poisoning was out of the question, since the rodents were a primary food source for city people. We killed lots of rats, the dog and I. So many rats that the Army gave me a herd of cats … 20 cats. Each night I released the cats in the city and followed the cats until morning. So in addition to being a dog handler, I became a cat herder as well.

Another: I operated a small front-end loader at a refuge camp in Sudan or Somalia. There were hundreds of tents and thousands of people. I moved dirt from place to place and delivered charcoal for cooking fires. The job was pleasing. I was disappointed when waking up.

Today: With another soldier. I returned from a mission, dressed in camouflage uniform and carrying a rifle, pistol and large rucksack. I had to go into the Fort Worth Star-Telegram office, so I procured cases for the weapons. Still, when I went into the newspaper office, people were all “Oh, goodness! How did those soldiers get in here?”

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