Tuesday, October 5, 2021

US general reportedly removed Afghans from C-17 in order to bring back a ‘war trophy’

Maybe so, maybe no. These days, who knows?

From Valor Guardians

During the last hours of the evacuation, according to troops under his command and as documented by photographs and witness statements, (MG Chris) Donahue (82nd Airborne commander) ordered all of the passengers aboard a C-17 transport plane to disembark so he could have a souvenir loaded onto the plane. That souvenir, or ‘war trophy,’ was an inoperable Taliban-owned Toyota Hilux with a fully operational Russian ZU-23 anti-aircraft autocannon mounted in the bed. Once the Hilux was loaded passengers were allowed back on the plane, but, of course, there wasn’t room for all of them. According to troops on the scene, at least 50 people and perhaps as many as 100 people were left at Kabul to make room for the Hilux.


Perhaps following the lead of Chairman of the JCS Gen. Milley, MG Donahue also reportedly conducted some above and beyond normal duty with the Taliban, as had Milley with Communist Chinese generals.

“Multiple sources within the military and the intelligence community have revealed to RedState that Donahue’s coordination with the Taliban that day included more than simply letting them know that we were checking out early. These sources say that Donahue provided the Taliban with a full manifest of passengers aboard the flights including passport information, photos, and biometric information for those passengers. The flights included US troops, Afghans who were employed by the Department of Defense, key human intelligence (HUMINT) assets, and other SIV applicants and their families.

A Fort Bragg spokesman said, “No personnel were removed from any aircraft departing HKIA to make room for the Taliban Hilux. In fact, aircraft space was not an issue at all in terms of getting American citizens, Afghan SIVs, or at-risk Afghans out of HKIA in the final days of the evacuation mission.

(Just now wondering: Who got the light switch at the end of the tunnel in Saigon? For years generals and politicians reportedly could “see the light at the end of the tunnel,” so somebody must have unscrewed and removed the switch. A war trophy that important shouldn’t have been left behind.)



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