Monday, July 23, 2012

What do you call a Danish girl in a short skirt?

Provocative and immoral and looking for it, if you are an immigrant from certain parts of the world.

“Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis are dramatically overrepresented in Danish rape verdicts.”

In 2010, more than half the men convicted of rape in Denmark were “immigrants or Danish-born to immigrant parents, reveal the official numbers from Statistics Denmark.” Of the 66 rape convictions, 32 were “with Danish background, 27 immigrants and 7 children of immigrants.”

What to do, what to do.

“Karina Lorentzen from the Socialist People’s Party is shocked and appalled: ‘It is wildly concerning that immigrants and refugees are so overrepresented […] it would seem that some immigrants have not learned that in Denmark a short summer dress is not an invitation to sex.’”

And, Loentzen says, “Danish girls must learn that they should behave differently in relation to people from different cultures.”

So women born and raised in Denmark, in families not from the “overrepresented” groups, should change their ways of dress and of everyday life in order to satisfy the morality of foreigners?

Here’s what will happen in Europe: (1) Native-born will become so fed up with what Muslims bring in that expulsion laws will reign; (2) Muslims will become the majority; or, (3) the whole region will collapse.

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