Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Let her talk! Pay millions for more stupid!

(Yes, the following is satire. Today.)

NEW YORK – Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this weekend that the Electoral College should not be exempt from the push for free tuition to all colleges and universities.
“Students should have the right to attend any college they wish – tuition free – and that includes the Electoral College,” Cortez told a town hall crowd. Democrats in the audience cheered her proposal. “Of course, I don’t, like, really know how things actually work in the real world.”
Hillary Clinton has called for the Electoral College to be torn down. Cortez disagrees. “I’ve never known anybody who attended the Electoral College, but I’m sure it’s a nice campus. Those who teach there probably love their jobs. We just need to make it more accessible to more students. Free tuition will do just that.
Cortez admitted she didn’t even know in which state the Electoral College was located. “One thing I do know, is that student debt is making slaves out of college students. And that’s not right.”
Speaking of Hillary, she and husband Bill announced today they’ll be going on a tour in the coming months, including stops at college campuses. And yes, a stop at the Electoral College is on their itinerary.

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