Sunday, March 31, 2019

Philadelphia man not guilty in shooting four attackers

Defendant turned down plea bargain of 17-34 years.

Defense attorneys can't remember the last jury trial to find a man not guilty in shooting of four attackers. 

Prosecutor said the shooting could not be self-defense, because the accused fired 10 rounds at the bad guys, with a gun taken from one of the attackers. I guess the prosecutor figured one shot per attacker was more fair.

Rising Star, Texas

Nice name for a town, Rising Star. You have to wonder whether the name was from the mind of a poetically-inclined cowboy, or maybe a librarian.

Well, turns out the naming of the town depends on who you want to believe.

“No mail routes existed initially in this newly settled frontier, but by about 1880, the community became a stop on a mail route between Cisco and Brownwood. Prior to the establishment of this mail route, the families received mail from Sipe Springs. In 1881, the town sent a petition to the U.S. government asking for a new post office in the area. The community leaders were required to suggest a name for the post office and decided upon the name Star, which was then sent for approval to the Postal Service. The Postal Service sent word back that a post office under the name Star was already located in Texas (in Mills County). The citizens called a meeting to select another name, and after many long hours of deliberation, Little Andy Agnew proposed, ‘Since we are a rising young community, why don't we just call ourselves Rising Star.’ The name was agreed to and accepted by the Postal Service.

Or maybe: “The settlement was originally called Copperas Creek but had a name change when D. D. McConnell of Eastland suggested the new name.

Little Andy Agnew or D.D. McConnell. Take your choice.

However Rising Star got its name, the town is in Eastland County, not far north of the middle of Texas. Rising Star’s largest population was 1,289, in 1950. The 2010 population was 835. Of that number, about 94% were white. “Hispanics or Latinos of any race were 6.23% of the population.”

The Federal Government is kind of wacky in its racial-counting assignments. White, African-American, Asian, Native American. But “Hispanics or Latinos” can be counted in any other race.

In 2000, 19.4% of families and 24.4% of the overall population lived beneath the official Federal poverty level.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

$150 million loss ‘worth it’

“Last February, when Dick’s Sporting Goods boss Ed Stack announced he was restricting gun sales at the country’s largest sports retailer, he knew it’d be costly.

“At the time, Dick’s was a major seller of firearms. Guns also drove the sale of soft goods—boots, hats, jackets. What’s more, Stack, the retailer's chief executive officer, suspected the position could drive off some of his customers on political principle.

“He was right. Dick’s estimates the policy change cost the company about $150 million in lost sales, an amount equivalent to 1.7 percent of annual revenue. Stack says it was worth it.”

Link at

His company, his choice. It’s just kind of counter-intuitive that a man who made millions on selling guns decides to tell others his moral imperative now is to keep them from buying guns – his “common-sense gun control” and support for US House-approved universal gun control.

That $150 million loss is only the first for Dick's. We'll wait and see how many more losses there are before Stack decides something else.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Another Big Event to worry about?

Well, if the San Andreas Fault or the Yellowstone Supervolcano wasn’t enough, now we have “a vast amount of magma shifting on the ocean floor.”

We all know that when something goes out, something else has to replace it, or the earth moves, and not in the manner of Maria and Robert Jordan.

Last November, “the largest offshore volcanic event in recorded history” occurred near Madagascar.

Today is Tuesday

Which means the weekly

Remus sometimes gets too close to the racial line, but overall is a good read. I just ignore the survivalist stuff.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Albanian interference?

Selected quotes.

By Biska Likmeta

“Albanian Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha was grilled by Tirana prosecutors on Monday over 2017 payments for lobbying in the US and related expenditures.
“The Tirana Prosecutorial Office said it questioned Basha and three others DP officials about the spending, which Basha later played down, saying it related only to whether some spending statements filed by his party to the Central Election Commission were correct.”

Prosecution: “’The subject declared [payments of] only 25,000 US dollars, while it had not declared 650,000 US dollars in expenditures.

“We conclude that two payments totaling 650,000 US dollars for the purpose of lobbying in US have not been declared by the subject,” the prosecutorial office said.

“In 2016, prosecutors in Tirana started a preliminary evaluation over a payment of 80,000 US dollars after Bilal Shehu, an Albanian-US citizen, pleaded guilty to making an illegal donation to the Obama Victory Fund for the US 2012 presidential elections.
“The funds were used to get Albania’s current Prime Minister, Edi Rama, into an Obama fundraising event in San Francisco, where Rama had a photo-opportunity with the then US president. Albanian prosecutors have never brought charges against Rama over this.”

(Here’s a thing about Balkan politics: Don’t believe anybody about anything. And, any Western politician who gets involves in Balkan politics is stepping into a wild pig fight.)

Another of those things you can’t do in the US

Terrorist-linked Islamists gathered to pray outside Parliament in Copenhagen – Danish politicians responded by burning the Quran
By Emma R. 24 March 2019

Islamists belonging to the terrorist-linked organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir held mass prayer at Christiansborg in central Copenhagen on Friday. At the same time, the immigration-critical party, Stram Kurs (Strict Course), held a counter-demonstration nearby to criticise the organisation and cook “bacon á la Quran” by burning the Quran on a grill.

Hizb ut-Tahrir’s self-proclaimed goal is to abolish democracy and introduce an Islamist sharia-led society instead.

In Russia, the organisation is banned and classified as a terrorist organisation. Germany has declared the organisation illegal due to anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli propaganda. China, Turkey, Egypt and several other Arab countries have also banned the organisation.

The organisation has also appeared in several investigations regarding terrorist attacks in Scandinavia. Truck terrorist Rakhmat Akilov who killed 5, and seriously injured 15 people in Stockholm in 2017 both liked and shared the organisation on Facebook.

At 12:30 pm on Friday, about a hundred supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir gathered to participate in the organisation’s Friday prayer outside the Danish Parliament in protest against what they mean is an Islam-hostile climate in the country.

The organisation holds the country’s “hateful” politicians and media responsible for the development that causes attacks on Muslims.

The immigration-critical party Stram Kurs with party leader Rasmus Paludan at the forefront, reacted by simultaneously holding a counter-demonstration near the mass prayer.

Paludan told newspaper Berlingske Tidende that the party was protesting against Hizb-ut-Tahrir because they are an undemocratic organisation that strives for dominance, something which, according to Paludan, they themselves clearly state.

Several people responded to the counter-demonstration, which led to police intervention. However, a channel between demonstrators and counter-demonstrators made major clashes impossible.

In the US, Muslims would be welcome to hold prayers outside the Capitol Building, but police would arrest any counter-protesters who burned or even threatened to burn a copy of the Koran.

Soper, Oklahoma

Soper is on U.S. Highway 70 between Hugo and Durant. The 2010 population was 261. The largest-ever population was 538 in 1920. It hasn’t come close to that since then.

Sometime in the late 1990s, I wrote a newspaper story about a woman who had a doll house on the eastern side of Soper. The business was a retail store, in a small converted wooden house. After interviewing the woman, I drove into Soper and stopped at a convenience store/hamburger joint. The day was near enough lunch for me to have a burger.

There were eight or so other people having lunch and talk. I started listening closely when somebody talked about a chase the night before by two or three deputies from Choctaw County Sheriff’s Department. The chase ended in Soper when the fugitive ran off the road and into somebody’s yard. As I recall, the fleeing man did not give up easily. I took notes on what was said, as well as a couple of other interesting conversations – the kinds of things often heard in small towns when people get to talking about who’s doing what.

The story on the doll lady, with pictures, ran in the next day’s Paris newspaper (Paris, Texas).

A couple of days later I wrote a column on the goings-on at the convenience store/hamburger place. The day after that, phone calls came in to the newspaper. You’d have thought I tossed an unwrapped Baby Ruth into the city pool. Soper did not have a city pool, but the image is the same.

The callers went on and on about how I had made Soper sound like some backwoods place filled with ignorant people.

An older man said his son told him about the story, and it was a terrible thing I had done. After he was done ranting, I said, “Did you read the story?” He said he had not. Apparently he was not a subscriber of the newspaper. I asked him if he had read the story I wrote about the doll lady. He said he had not. I asked him, “If you had read that story and liked it, would you have called me and said so?” He said it was likely he would not. “Well,” I said, “thank you for calling.”

According to data from the 2010 Federal Census, Soper’s demographic population breakdown was 74.3% white, 19.3% Native American and 6.3% two or more races. Also, 35.1% of families and 44% of overall population live below the official poverty line, including 45.1% of those under the age of 18 and 50.8% of those 65 and over.

Poverty or near-poverty is not an indication of intelligence. But one's intelligence does not increase unless challenged by different ideas and surroundings. Most of the time, those challenges come only if one moves, at least for a time, from the easy and familiar. 

In it together

“We [the black baseball players] always had to stay in private homes on the road. But I'll tell you what kind of teammates I had in Durham — they wouldn't go and eat in a restaurant without me. Somebody would always go in and get sandwiches for everybody, then they'd bring them to the bus and we'd go on our way." - Bubba Morton in The Seattle Times (Larry Stone, 01/18/2006)

The implausibility of ocean theory and a rhinoceros horn

“The fact is (tell me why it is not a fact) that the Biology Department does not know of what the ancient seas consisted, does not know what seas would be necessary for life to appear, bearing in mind that reactions depend crucially on concentrations, pH, reducing or oxidizing atmosphere, temperature, half-life of intermediates, and so on; cannot reproduce the event in the laboratory; cannot draw a reproducing, metabolizing molecule on paper; and cannot show the event to be mathematically probable. What reason, really, is there to believe that it happened, other than that the Biology Department cannot think of another acceptable explanation?

“Next: An example of a large class of problems with Darwin appears in the horn of the rhinoceros, which  (presumably) evolved to protect the beast from predators (‘evolved to….’: always the language of purpose) Since Darwinian evolution works through the accumulation of many small changes, each of which must  favor survival, there should be many intermediate fossils in different states of hornization. I can find nothing online about these intermediates, I am sure that someone in the Biology Department could point me to them. These would establish the fact of the horn’s evolution, though not the mechanism.”

Fred doesn’t have atta-boys for Creationism, either.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Polar bear decline … Not

In 1975, Arctic areas contained approximately 7,500 polar bears. Despite Al Gore, melting ice, global warming and a whole bunch of other Chicken Little demands, the latest bear demographic totals more than 32,000 of the “fuzzy fur-balls of ferocity.”

The last time I saw mention of doom and gloom for polar bears was … Yeah, that long.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

From a retired railroad engineer

“You take your time and go by one hundred percent of the rules, and that’s how you handle it,” Wilcox says. “You do exactly what you need to do.”

For a while, I was brakeman for a local train on the Penn Central Railroad, out of Anderson, Indiana. A local is a short-range train, dropping off cars filled with parts to be made into something, picking up empties or scrap. The work was easy, and gave lots of time to just sit and watch Indiana go by.

The train is unforgiving. There are rules of mass, and mere humans must follow the rules.

Typical anti-war feminist

Feeding on the deaths of others.

“During the bombing of the Belgrade TV building, 16 lives were lost, although the regime knew that NATO was certain to demolish that building.”

NATO justified bombing the TV station because the reporting was part of Serbia’s “propaganda war.” Before the cruise missile struck, “CNN's bosses called up from Atlanta to inform the satellite boys in Belgrade that they should pull out of the RTS offices.

And, of course, Slobodan Milosevic was a war criminal.

Here is a fact about the Balkans: No one forgets anything. What happened centuries ago is as important as NATO’s small war 20 years past.  

SPLC found profit in creating hatred

“As it turns out, the SPLC is a cynical money-making scheme, according to a former staffer’s blistering tell-all, published this week in the New Yorker. The center’s chief goal is to bilk naive and wealthy donors who believe it's an earnest effort to combat bigotry.

Link at maggiesfarm.

SPLC shares its findings (real and fabricated) with, among others, the FBI.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

94-day transcontinental truck trip in 1912 was nation’s first

“In 1912, Petaluma’s Carlson-Currier Silk Mill ordered three tons of soap, to wash the silk, from a Philadelphia company. How it was to be delivered is quite a story.

“The truck, stated Commercial Vehicle magazine, ‘is an Alco, built by the American Locomotive Company. It has a capacity of 3½ tons, is rated at 40 horsepower and is capable of an average speed of 12 mph. The weight of the chassis is 6,800 pounds; the body weight, 1,200 pounds. Platform measurements are 14 feet by 5 feet 6 inches. Besides the cargo, the usual equipment of planks, tackle, skidding boards, etc. will be carried. The front and rear tires measure 36 inches by 5 inches.’ Described by one source as ponderous, the Alco was wider and much heavier than an automobile.

“The route was ocean to ocean: Philadelphia to New York City, Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo; on to Cleveland and Toledo; through Indiana via South Bend; then Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska. Denver was next, then Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Reno, Sacramento and San Francisco.

Link at maggiesfarm.

Culture makes a difference in education

In New York City public schools, “68% of all students … are black or Latino.” – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). To only have 7 Black students accepted into Stuyvesant (a *public* high school) tells us that this is a system failure.

The Democratic Party answer, as usual, is to demand more federal and state money and lower admission standards, in order to have more black and Latino students at certain schools.

Fact: Asian students make up 15% of all NYC students, yet 74% of Stuyvesant students.

Why the disparity? Democrats do not, and will not, talk about cultural expectations and standards, about a higher rate of two-parent households, about parents who demand great classroom achievements, about parents who spend more time studying with children.

To Democrats, Asians do not count.

Link at maggiesfarm.

Beto O’Rourke and the end of the world

The world will end in 2016

Or 2025.

Or 2040.

“The IPCC is famous for the same two things as most madmen standing on street corners and shouting incomprehensibly at the top of their hoarse voices: predicting and postponing the end of the world. 

"’If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future,’ IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri had claimed in 2007. 

“In 2008, he appeared to have claimed that there was only 8 years left. 

“At a 2009 Senate hearing, two years later, Pachauri insisted, “we have just about 6 years left in which we will have to bring about peaking of emission.” 

“That would be in 2015. 

“Pachauri was replying to a question from Senator Jeff Merkley. A decade later, the world didn’t end. And Merkley is still warning that if we don’t listen to the IPCC, the world and all its coffee shops will end. 

“Last year, Merkley pushed a Senate resolution in support of the IPCC’s latest world ending memo warning that the world will end ‘as soon as 2040’. That’s safer than the world ending by 2015.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hungary Fidesz Party suspended from EPP

Prime Minister Viktor Orban notes Fidesz cannot be ejected or suspended; “we have won four elections by the will of Hungarian citizens.” He noted that Fidesz had garnered 47, 56, and 52 percent of the votes during the past three European parliamentary elections, respectively. “A party like that will obviously not allow itself to be ejected or suspended but will stand up and leave instead,” he said.

“The prime minister added, at the same time, that in recent weeks, thirteen parties from ‘the leftist-liberal branch of this colourful community’ had proposed that ‘those who are firmly on the Christian conservative side’ should be expelled from the EPP. ‘Those are us,’ he said. Orban said certain political forces were looking to turn the EPP into an organisation ‘with a much narrower profile whose centre of gravity is not where it is now but much further to the left, in a liberal direction’”.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Texasism

Chad Hiltz of Discovery Channel’s “Bad Chad” series said, “I’m as nervous as a grasshopper in a chicken house.”

I had never heard that one, but growing up in Northeast Texas, I have some familiarity with grasshoppers and chickens. A grasshopper in a chicken house would be the center of attention, but not for long.

Another saying new to me I heard in 1991 while covering a story in Sulphur Springs, Texas. A man from San Diego had been convicted of robbing two elderly women. Two Hot Springs, Ark., men were also convicted, with all three sentenced to a bunch of years in prison.

The San Diego man’s defense was that he was working at a restaurant when the robbery happened, but nobody from the restaurant made it to Texas to verify his alibi.

However, a Texas highway patrol officer identified the man as one of three in a car he stopped the night of the robbery.

A Hopkins County constable, telling of her faith in the DPS trooper’s accuracy, said, “If he tells you a rooster dips snuff, you best look for a can of Skoal under its wing.”

Crocodile rights humans mourn death of 4.5-meter ‘man-eating monster’

By Gil Hanrahan in Townsville

There is something in the air at the seaside hamlet of Cardwell, Far North Queensland. Maybe it is the sweet fishy aroma wafting in the seaside eddies, drifting from the cafés next to the waterfront.
Or it could be the fishermen who clean their catch leaving smelly titbits near the wharf or the tourists who sit at the picnic tables on the beachfront munching on their beef burgers or fish and chips letting their kids and dogs play on the nearby sandy shore close to the water.
Whatever is in the air has not only attracted a large crocodile which for years stalked the beachfront-it has affected the heads of some residents who are mourning the death of this 4.5 metre man-eating monster which was found shot in a small creek recently.
The Far North’s tiny minority of croc worshippers has attracted big media attention for staging a memorial event to grieve over its death.
Fortunately some good Samaritan shot this awful monster before it ate an unsuspecting tourist or one of their kids.
Such is the anti-human sentiment which prevails among the north’s tree climbers and cave dwellers. This tenor has a great hold on a minority of agnostics yet morbid animal worship drives Labor and Green’s policy of doing nothing about the exploding croc menace which has driven away tourists in droves. Likewise the worship of disease-laden flying foxes which these dreadlocked few want to leave roosting in the Cairns CBD creating foul-smelling aromas and leaving paint-peeling, toxic droppings across car bonnets and windscreens.
The increasing croc and bat infestation has done more damage to the north’s once-famous waterways maxim; ‘beautiful one day and perfect the next’ than Bill Shorten arriving last week in a red bus.

Link at

Monday, March 18, 2019

Nostalgic for the Soviet days?

Or, back in the USSR.

Here is a link to good times.

Includes collective farm festival, overseen by a banner featuring the great Stalin. Women are slender and men robust during Soviet times. Everybody happy. Even cows smiling.

Also, “Female Face of the Soviet Epoch, so pretty natural faces and sincere smiles – Soviet women as they were in everyday life. Strong, weak, hard-working, caring, funny, overcoming, appreciating bright moments and breaking men’s hearts.”

Second link not to be confused with today's Russian Women Waiting for You. Or Ukrainian, Uzbek, Kazakh, etc.

The cost of China’s pollution

Photographs by Lu Guang, who was arrested by China’s national security police in November for “being politically incorrect.”

Link at

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rich folks not only ones involved in college corruption

CORRUPT: Ex-diversity officer smacked with massive FINE after giving husband fellowship

A former University of Connecticut graduate diversity officer was fined March 7 after awarding her husband a fellowship for which he did not apply. The announcement came just days before a college admissions scandal broke, in which dozens, including celebrities, were indicted.

The State of Connecticut Office of State Ethics fined Charmane Thurmand, a former graduate diversity officer at the University of Connecticut, $20,000 for awarding her husband a more than $50,000 fellowship for which he did not apply did not have the requisite degree.

Thurmand allegedly directed that her husband, Martinus Evans, “should not be required to do any substantive work in his graduate assistantship and instructed the DMD department that he should be paid for such assistantship simply for doing his schoolwork,” according to the State Ethics Office.

The Citizen’s Ethics Advisory Board, part of the State Ethics Office, ruled that Thurmand violated the Code of Ethics’ conflict-of-interests and use-of-office sections.

The office cited Connecticut General Statutes 1-84 (c) and 1-84 (a), which respectively “prohibits a state employee from using her public position to obtain financial gain for her spouse,” and “prohibits a state employee from having a financial interest in conflict with her official duties and responsibilities,” according to the press release.

The diversity officer’s husband was not required to work, “but should be paid for such assistantship simply for doing his schoolwork.”
College officials give power to people who have no ethics, and then administrators are surprised when this sort of thing happens.

Come on, man. You know this stuff goes on. But, hey, as long as nobody finds out, it never happened.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Orban speaks truth, which angers EU elitists

Europe’s peoples should “see and understand that Europe will have no free life without its Christian culture”, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during a state celebration of the anniversary of Hungary’s 1848 revolution in front of Budapest’s National Museum.

“Unless we protect our Christian culture we will lose Europe and Europe will no longer belong to Europeans,” Orban insisted. He added that Christianity was equally important for a free Hungary and warned that “all of us would lose our freedom in a liberal empire”.
“Nobody can be free if they are subjects of an empire rather than children of a free nation. Europeans can only be happy if they can decide on their own fate and on the future of their nation”, Orban added. The ideal of freedom “is rooted in Christianity because all people and all nations are equal before God,” the prime minister said.
Orban welcomed Polish participants in the celebrations, and said that “without Poland Hungary would not be free and Europe could not have been re-united”.
“When they attack Poland from Brussels, they attack the whole of central Europe, including us, Hungarians”.
“Our message to the empire-builders seeking to extend their shadow over central Europe is that they will always need to consider Hungarian-Polish ties,” he said.
“Each year we renew our oath to God that we will insist on freedom and reject subordination; the nation’s common oath means that each Hungarian will stand by other Hungarians and all Hungarians will stand by Hungary,” Orban said.

AOC in her own words

“Stop trying to win people over, stop trying to enter a conversation thinking that you’re going to, like, ‘aha’ them into changing their minds. And so, I think, that, you know, we’ve kind of lost the art of conversation. So when I enter a conversation with someone I actually try to learn more about where they’re coming from, like I try — I actually use it as an experience to — like, let’s say, I’m talking to someone who’s saying something really racist and they don’t even realize that they’re saying something really racist, I — I asked some questions because I’m interested, I’m fascinated by that. How does that work, you know?”
“But you have to — we have to learn to, like, really disarm ourselves in these conversations first of all, because we approach them with so much hostility and, like, they get mad and we get mad and all of these things and — and we have — so, part of it is, like, emotional work. And — and the second part of it is intention, like, what are you trying to get out of this conversation?”

"(W)'eve kind of lost the art of conversation."

And the proof looks her in the face at every mirror.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

October is for squirrel hunting

“During my first semester at college in Baton Rouge—a mere two hour drive away—I was shocked to learn that school would not be canceled for Squirrel Weekend. When I explained the holiday to new friends, they reacted with amusement, disbelief, and even horror. I was reminded, not for the last time, what a small, strange place I come from.” – Jordan Lahaye.

Link at

That’s pretty fast

The speed of light, Earth to the Moon and back again.

NPR spreads VA lies about elderly veteran suicide

“So I took a look at the actual data.  And I promptly got rather . . . disgusted. As well as angry.
“It always disgusts and angers me when I’ve been lied to.  It doesn’t matter whether the lie was deliberate or was due to gross negligence, incompetence, or ignorance.  I won’t speculate on the reason for this whopper.”
Most news organizations will do just what NPR did, go with speechifying put out by VA flaks, without checking anything. I don’t know why VA wants to paint veterans as suicide-prone. Of course, that label goes along with much media hype about the dangerous PTSD veteran.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Washington governor threatens sheriffs, gun dealers

New gun-grab law unconstitutional, sheriffs say. Gov. Jay Inslee and State Attorney General Bob Ferguson say government “would be using Washington State Patrol to enforce the law as well as bring in the ATF. Violating the law is a felony that is punishable with up to five years in prison.

Link at

Monday, March 11, 2019

Much ado about a dress

My wife was watching “Say Yes to the Dress.” That is a TV program on which women about to be married get in arguments with mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters and best friends. Whatever the bride-to-be decides, the chosen dress always costs several thousand dollars.

When my then-fiancé and I were planning our wedding, almost all of my decisions were “Sounds good to me” and “I think that is a good idea.”

Family members were involved, too. My wife’s mother one day said to my wife, “Here is a pattern I thought you might like for your dress.” My wife approved, and her mother made the dress.

My wife worked at a fast food place, and one day a woman came in and said, “I am Betty, Bob’s aunt. I am making your bridesmaids’ dresses, and here is the fabric I will use.”

My wife wanted a simple veil. Two days before our wedding, her grandmother came in from DeQueen, Arkansas, and made the veil just the way my wife wanted.

It all was quite simple, with family members volunteering time and talents to produce the wedding we wanted.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Celebrating America’s indigenous peoples

And doing away with any mention of that Italian working for Spain.
“Anthropologists have found evidence of a mass ritual killing that involved the deaths of more than 140 children, three adults, and at least 200 young llamas on the northern coast of Peru. …
“The sacrificial victims ranged in age from 6 to 14, and appear to have been killed in a well-planned and choreographed event on a single, horrific day. …
“The children, both boys and girls, all appear to have been killed in the same way — with a single horizontal slice across the sternum.
“As if all this wasn’t gruesome enough, researchers say that many of the children’s rib cages appear to have been pried apart. This suggests that their hearts were removed shortly after they died.”
(Columbus and the dastardly Europeans who followed put an end to this sort of thing.)
“Gabriel Prieto, a professor of archaeology from the National University of Trujillo who started excavating Huanchaquito-Las Llamas in 2011, said the discovery shocked him and his colleagues.

“’In Peru we are familiar with human bones, but in this particular case there were so many skeletons and they were all children,’ he said. ‘It was astonishing.’”

“Anthropologists have known for decades that the Chimú occasionally engaged in mass killings. In the 1970s, archaeologists working in Chan Chan found the remains of hundreds of young women who were sacrificed to attend to the king after his death. Researchers have also found the bones of 200 victims — including children, adults and the elderly — who were executed by Chimú warriors sometime around 1300.

“At the same time, Prieto has started excavating another site at nearby Pampa La Cruz, where he has already found 132 kids and 250 llamas. It’s a grisly find that leads to an even more grisly conclusion about the mass ritual killing of children at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas.

China-built power plant good for Bosnia

So says the state power company, anyway.

In November 2017, “Bosnia’s electric power company Elektroprivreda BiH took a 700-million-euro loan from China’s Exim bank to finish the thermal power plant in Tuzla, the largest single post-war investment in the country.
“Elektroprivreda then hired three Chinese companies to construct the thermal power plant.”
Borrow China money, then hire China companies to spend the money. China has received similar deals for highways in Poland, and for roads, port facilities and railroads in Africa. If the countries can’t pay back the loans, no doubt banks in Europe will be asked for loans, or maybe China will just seize the goods for non-payment.


Lots and lots of airships. And airplanes.

From the days of art deco and a bright future.

Nice in calm weather.


And this as well:

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Western values remain in at least part of Europe

Viktor Orban: ‘Hungary is a Christian county and not a place for multiculturalism’

By Emma R.

In an interview in a book published by French politician and essayist Philippe de Villiers, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says there is no place for multiculturalism in Hungary.

“What outrages our opponents the most is the fact that in our Constitution we have written that Hungary has Christian roots, that here there is no place for multiculturalism, that a child has the right to a mother and a father, and that our nation has the right to defend its borders.”
Orbán stated that the Hungarian people have long-standing traditions of resistance to “limited sovereignty”: “First there were the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire, then the khans of the vast Mongol Empire, followed by the sultans of the Ottoman Empire; and then the Soviet comrades and their tanks. All of them wanted to put an end to Hungary”, he said, “but mysteriously the Hungarian people have survived in a boundless sea of Germans and Slavs.”
Asked if he is concerned today about the danger of national dissolution, Orbán said that he sees disintegration of the EU as a greater danger, with a line dividing Europe into two parts – one which is becoming Islamised, and one which does not want to become Islamised.
He outlined the choices thus: “If they leave us alone and do not force Islamisation upon us, Europe can live on as a club of free nations. If, however, they force us to accept the UN’s migration compact or the decisions of the European Commission, thereby aligning us with their permissive Western policy, disintegration cannot be ruled out.”
The Prime Minister continued: “For us the accusation that we are not fully European is a cruel joke. When after half a century of Soviet occupation and communist oppression we finally regained our freedom, when the West opened its arms to embrace us, we thought we had returned to our own kind – a family of free nations resting on the pillars of Christian culture, national identity and human dignity.”
“Not even in our worst nightmares did we think that, twenty-nine years after our enchained nations gained freedom and the continent reunited, Europe would again be vulnerable to imperial ambitions – those which this time do not originate outside its borders, but within them.”
He added that Europe is not a melting pot, but the home of nations.