Sunday, June 21, 2020

It’s not racist? Aw, hell. Ban it anyway.

From Legal Insurrection.

Despite acknowledging there are no racist ties to the university’s popular “Gator Bait” chant, University of Florida President Kent Fuchs announced the school will end use of the chant at future sporting events because of the phrase’s “historic racist imagery.”

The “Gator Bait” chant is regularly used at UF sporting events. Accompanied by music, it involves fans extending their arms to form what is known as the “Gator Chomp” and is then followed by clapping while fans shout “gator bait.”

The decision to end the use of the chant is part of a larger set of initiatives announced by UF to combat racism in the university community. Some of the other initiatives include mandatory racism training for all students, faculty, and staff and centering the 2020-2021 academic year on the “Black experience, racism, and inequity.”

“While I know of no evidence of racism associated with our ‘Gator Bait’ cheer at UF sporting events, there is horrific historic racist imagery associated with the phrase,” Fuchs said. “Accordingly University Athletics and the Gator Band will discontinue the use of the cheer.”

Comment: Ya know, a lot of educated people are stupid. I went to college, lo, may years ago because I enjoy learning and debating and writing. Today, I doubt I would last a week. One of the dumbest things I have read this year: To “combat racism in the university community,” the University of Florida mandates “racism training,” and centers “the 2020-2021 academic year on the ‘Black experience, racism, and inequity.’” Will that “Black experience” mention that more than 70 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock? That one-third of black men have at least one felony conviction? That the National Football League caters to young black felons as long as those felons can produce millions of dollars for NFL owners?

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