This morning I tried to access a daily reading site, Knuckledraggin. As soon as I entered the address, my screen went red and presented me with a security message, alleging knuckledraggin would send my e mail address to several criminal enterprises that would then clean out my bank account, retirement plans and grab my so-called Social Security. I had choices of clicking on Details or Dismiss. I chose Dismiss and was immediately disconnected from Google Chrome. I wrote an email to a knuckledraggin address, as per:
“I cannot access knuckledraggin. Entering ogdaa address immediately brings up a red page with warnings that knuckledraggin will redirect me to loads of sites that will steal the crown jewels in all my accounts and maybe shoot a couple of my dogs for good measure. Did you finally piss off one idiot too many, or is my security now wearing a red star beret?
Hotmail says it does not recognize the email address and was
unable to send the email. To rectify the problem, I was given a list of choices
to click. No thanks.
It was something with Blogspot. His site works now. or at least in Brave it is OK.