Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chicago installing bleeding control kits

Prediction: They’ll all be stolen.

From Gun Free Zone

Chicago has begun installing “Bleeding Control Kits” across the city under the new Safe Chicago program amid an increase in gun violence.

The city will install 426 Bleeding Control Kits in 269 Chicago buildings, including City Hall and Chicago Public Library locations. Each kit can treat up to eight victims.

Every kit comes equipped with a tourniquet, gauze, shears, gloves, and an instruction manual on how to best use it in instances of “life threatening bleeding emergencies” that can result from falls, penetrating injuries (such as stabbings), gunshot wounds, and more.





  1. Yep...these "kits" will disappear within a week....or less. Everyone needs to of together their OWN "beer kit", learn to use it and CARRY it with them.

  2. Excellent prediction. Sad but funny as hell.


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