Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I'm so glad I'm living in the USA

A friend recently returned from a study/vacation in England and France. She sent a small bottle of sand from Omaha Beach, a D-Day medallion and two CDs of war areas, including Omaha and Bletchley Park.

In the back and forth emails, I wrote this morning:

Did you run into any "Your attempts at speaking the language of civilized persons is so deplorable I must ignore even your presence" Frenchpeoples?

She replied tonight:

Yes, the French were deplorable, and their cities smell like pee.

They fix your meals while smoking cigarettes.

Many looked at me extremely rude. Their 'go to hell' looks (and this is before I spoke a word to let them know where in the world I was from) and attitude reminded me of the kids I taught at the junior highs: like "What are you looking at?" "Why are you looking at me?" "What the hell do you want?" "Leave me alone, God!"

Maybe they're just immature ... and not well potty trained.

And God you better speak French in France; those business owners are not bending over backwards to learn English just to do business with the English-speaking peoples.

Makes me feel good to stick to my guns about refusing to learn Spanish just to keep teaching in the public schools of Texas.

(She is becoming downright reactionary in her mid-years.)

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