Thursday, May 1, 2014

Anthropologist pummeled for discovering Noble Savage isn’t

“Undaunted, Chagnon plunged even further into the thicket of political incorrectness. In a 1988 Science article, he estimated that 45 percent of living Yanomamo adult males had participated in the killing of at least one person. He then compared the reproductive success of these Yanomamo men to others who had never killed. The unokais—those who had participated in killings—produced three times as many children, on average, as the others. Chagnon suggested that this was because unokais,who earned a certain prestige in their society, were more successful at acquiring wives in the polygamous Yanomamo culture. ‘Had I been discussing wild boars, yaks, ground squirrels, armadillos or bats, nobody . . . would have been surprised by my findings,’ he writes. ‘But I was discussing Homo sapiens—who, according to many cultural anthropologists, stands apart from the laws of nature.’”

At maggiesfarm.

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