Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Princeton ballet club wants to ‘decolonize’ dance

From Maggie’s Farm

Statement: “Ballet is rooted in white supremacy and perfectionism. We are all entering this space with a mindset that what we see as perfect is a white standard. Unlearning that will be difficult but rewarding. Before we begin detailing our action plan, we want to acknowledge that our leadership and those who composed this plan are all white.

“Firstly we would like to add land acknowledgement to our shows, in addition to historical context in our programs. We rarely shed light on the problematic history of our art form, and want to bring it to the forefront of our performances.

“We aim to decolonize our practice of ballet, even as ballet remains an imperialist, colonialist, and white supremacist art form. We realize our distinct freedoms as a college run dance group, which is that we do not report back to any sort of board or funding programs that would restrict our choices. In selecting new members and cultivating our style, we want to centralize artistry instead of technique, in the hopes of maintaining our core purpose as a ballet company but doing away with some of the stringent and exclusive standards that pervade the art form. As this is particularly important during auditions, we will be prefacing audition discussions with a frank recognition and repudiation of our own biases.”

Hey, ballet people, ain’t nobody making you get on stage and dance. Your choice. You want to “decolonize” dances written by dead white dudes, stop performing.

Damn, but I am tired of rich white people who have nothing else to do but tell the rest of us how sorry they are for having money and influence. Know what? No one stops them from giving it away.


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