Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saw the movie, didn't eat the popcorn

My wife and I were in college when the first WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE! climate hysteria “science predictions” were fashionable, early 1970s. A New Ice Age was science’s poster child then. Temperatures were dropping worldwide. Records said so. Arctic ice and Antarctic ice expanded each winter. Soon, the world’s breadbaskets would be ice buckets. Billions would starve. The world would soon run out of oil, too, meaning the necessity of chopping down and converting to firewood all the world’s forests.

I don’t remember any of those predictions coming to pass.

I do remember that New York City would be buried under hundreds, no, thousands of feet of ice. The New Climate Change says The City will soon lie under hundreds of feet of water.

Those New Yorkers. Always making things about them.


  1. I do remember the rapid proliferation of Elvis impersonators. At one point the trend line showed one out of every three men would Elvis impersonators in ten years.
    Thank the heavens that didn't happen.


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