Tuesday, November 27, 2012

‘Girls not coming of age’

Subhead is better: ‘If Girls is a portent, we’re in trouble’

A few nice phrases:

The main thing Dunham’s characters share is the idea that just because they exist, somebody else should give them stuff.”

“You can almost argue that Lena Dunham sees President Obama as the perfect surrogate for everything missing in her characters’ lives: He’s their gentle lover, supportive parent, and empathetic friend. He’s special. He won’t let them down. He’s Prince Charming. And that kind of defeats the purpose of feminism.”

(SgtBob comment: Either you can argue, or you cannot. There is no “almost.”)

“But if you don’t want men in Washington telling you how to use your sexuality, you shouldn’t expect them to subsidize it. But Dunham seems to actually believe they should.”

(Here is a truth: A tenet of Progressive Liberalism is “I can (have sex) with anybody I want and no one has the right to judge me.” Concomitant with that idea is: “If I become pregnant (or cause a pregnancy), society must pay for whatever I decide to do.”)

Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation: We caused this attitude. Boomers are responsible for the US sliding down the hill to collapse.

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