Monday, December 11, 2017

The fourth stage of American history

American history is the story of political and economic competition between Virginia and Massachusetts. To see that, simply begin a line between Pennsylvania (the southernmost part of Massachusetts influence). Draw the line west. North of the line is Massachusetts’ Pilgrim philosophy of “We decide what you will do.” South of the line is the old Virginia idea of “What you do is your business, as long as you do not cause disorder.”

The Continental Congress recognized the battle between Massachusetts and Virginia when deciding the commander of the army must not be from Massachusetts. That is a primary reason George Washington was named commanding general.

And, consider the first six presidents of the United States: Washington, from Virginia; John Adams, Massachusetts; Thomas Jefferson, Virginia; James Madison, Virginia; James Monroe, Virginia; John Quincy Adams, Massachusetts.

“This geographic split has been erased from the modern mind, as the people who won the Civil War slowly, but surely, erase everything but the history of the North from the nation’s memory. That last bit is critical. One of the distinguishing features of 20th century American conservatism was its Yankeeness.”

This map shows the development of regional political thought.

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