Friday, April 26, 2019

Democrats looking for male candidate who isn’t

Why do rich queers back Democrats? Silly question, maybe, but there is an answer.

“Why are gays a favored identity group? What’s that old saw that can be applied to virtually any political mystery? How about, “Follow the money.” Think about something for a moment—what other Democrat identity group has so many members, largely white, who are tech or entertainment billionaires? Or influential movie stars? Or TV media personalities? Or creative directors in TV advertising? Do blacks or Hispanics have that kind of presence across those domains? Of course they don’t, which explains the phenomenal initial fundraising success of the first openly gay candidate to jump into the Democrats’ shark pond.

Easy answer. Queers tend to back candidates who demand we normals stop with our beliefs that queerness is unnatural, not to mention an abomination. Democrats believe queerness is normal. Democrats know queer tech billionaires and queer movie/TV people have influence and dollars. Therefore, Democrats like queers.
The column is about Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg, but also answers the question, Why are queers favored by Democrats. Money, money, money.

Let’s face it. None of the women Democratic candidates has a chance of being elected.

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