Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nazis, fascists, anti-Semites at Pitzer College

“The Student Senate of California's Pitzer College has drafted a resolution calling for the removal of College President Melvin Oliver, after he decided to retain Pitzer's study abroad program in Israel against the recommendation of the Pitzer College Council, made up of students and faculty.

“The resolution calls for ‘enacting no confidence in the President of the College,’ and ‘for his immediate resignation or removal from office,’ the Claremont Independent, a student newspaper, reported.”

As Ace also says: “That these prissy little suburban Nazis continue their ridiculous charade of pretending that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are two different things is a bit embarrassing. Or maybe it is just cowardice, because they get to criticize Jews from the safety of their comfortable dorm rooms, with a vanishingly small risk of actually meeting a Jew who will bop them on their entitled little noses. Maybe that should be Israel's outreach... inviting these people to one of the West Bank towns where Jews are actually under the gun; both literally and figuratively. That would be an immensely satisfying scene: watching these soft, loud SJWs ranting and raving about the evil Jews, and then watching them get knocked on their asses by a Jew the likes of which they have never met or ever imagined.

“The reality of all this Jew hate is that it is a subset of the anti-western cant of the left. Israel is on the front lines of the fight against the anti-western philosophy of the progressive and hard-left movements, and they toss in their reflexive anti-Semitism just for shits and giggles.”

(Pritzer is a California college, so what else can we expect? Entitled (read “rich”) liberals who believe that their opinions are the only ones that matter. Inmates running the asylum.)

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