Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Some babies are worth more in political points than are others

From Gun Free Zone

After the Parkland shooting, Dick’s Sporting Goods made a big deal about a corporate decision to stop selling AR pattern rifles and destroying $5 million guns they had in inventory.

They were doing it for the children.

Well, after Dobbs, Dick’s Sporting Goods made another announcement.  They would give every employee up to $4,000 to have an abortion.

If they destroyed guns “for the children,” then what are they destroying children for?


Progressive values.


How many more children will be murdered, subsidized by Dick’s than would have ever been killed by an AR they sold to a law abiding citizen?

These moralizing companies are not good.  They are evil.

Any company that pays you to murder your own child in the womb is not your friend.  They are your enemy, destroying the root of love and fulfillment, having a family, to keep you as a low cost employee.

They are paying employees to murder their children for Progressive social credit and to reduce their employee costs.


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