Saturday, December 10, 2022

Doesn’t understand the system or believes things should be his way

From Caucasus Knot 

In Russia, men who have completed their one-year draft service may sign up for an additional term. Those volunteers are called “contract soldiers” and make up about two-thirds of the ground forces. In a Russian combat regiment, two battalions are contract soldiers, while the third battalion is made up of draftees who do not participate in combat operations.

A young Chechen soldier recently learned that he does not call the shots when it comes to military service. Last year, the man contracted with the army, but then said “No, thanks” when told he was going to Ukraine. He would go to other places, but not to Ukraine. “Okay,” said the commander of his unit, who then presented the soldier with orders dismissing him “from military service due to non-fulfilment of the terms of the contract.”

The soldier appealed, showing fortitude and an apparent set of brass ones, demanding that the army not only take him back, but also “provide him with all types of allowance for the period between his dismissal from service and reinstatement.”

He lost his appeal.

“I want reinstatement, promotion and 18 months’ back pay.” 



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