Monday, January 6, 2014

Progressivism takes over weather forecasts

Sunday morning, with record cold temperatures forecast for much of the United States, I decided to find out how cold the day would be in this part of the country.

Here is what I learned: Feeling has replaced reality in weather forecasting.

Of the first four stations with weather maps, not one forecast actual temperatures. Not. One.

What each map showed and what each map explainer quoted was how the temperature would “feel.” Not one weather reader cared to mention an actual air temperature. Only “feel” mattered.

Last night, too, a local TV station flashed a map with areas of the state marked “Wind Chill Warning.”

That carried over into today, when a weather reader said that although the high temperature in Milwaukee would be 0 (as in Zero), “it will feel like 40 degrees below zero.”

What we have here is substitution of “feel” for “real.” Progressives/Democrats are big on feelings. Listen to just about any TV reporter: “How did you feel when …?”

Here’s the thing on wind chill and freezing: Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If air temperature is 34 degrees, even with a 25-mile-per-hour wind, the water will not freeze.

So, weather person, don’t tell me how the temperature “feels” outside. Tell me what it is.

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