Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Health insurance is not health care

Insurance pays doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. Nothing in health insurance guarantees the care is good, only that someone gets paid for doing something.

“Lifespans of Americans began declining in 2014 and continue declining today. The Affordable Care Act is on the books for the purpose of enriching the parties which hired the lobbyists to make sure the bill was passed. The same parties with massive political power will also write the provisions of any Medicare for all bill. As long as American’s believe that this type of bill is passed for their benefit, nothing will change. American’s believe that having health insurance constitutes having healthcare. No one is getting genuine health insurance. What they are getting is life management and herding.

Link at woodpilereport.com

Someone wrote not long ago that doctors are the highest-paid data entry workers in the U.S.

Someone else wrote of people who complain that while most countries in Africa have universal health care, the U.S. does not. True, said the writer. And what universal health care means in most African countries is that you and the AIDS patient down the hall will receive the same brand and dosage of asprin.

Just thinking. With more foreign-born doctors in the U.S. system of health making the field more "diverse," does that mean a decrease in the number of natural-born medical students?

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