Saturday, February 29, 2020

All those foods vegans get ‘I’m better than you’ about? B-A-AD

Tofu, almond milk, palm oil, quinoa? Production and transportation make for a bigger carbon footprint than meat and milk.

From The
So it turns out almond milk is actually really damaging the planet. It’s putting tonnes of pressure on bees causing them to die and 130 pints of water are needed to produce just one glass of wholesome almond milk.
And now you thought ok well I’ll change to oat milk and I’m still being really good to the planet because I eat tofu instead of chicken. Well turns out tofu is pretty bad too.
new study by Dr. Graham McAuliffe has revealed tofu could be more harmful to the planet than chicken, beef and pork. Speaking at the National Farmers Union Dr. Graham McAuliffe of the Rothamsted Institute said after researching  tofu, he’d concluded it potentially causes more environmental damage because of the production to make the processed protein source.
He said: “But if you look at tofu, which is processed so there is more energy going into its production, when you correct for the fact that the protein in it is not as digestible compared to the meat-based products, you can see that it could actually have a higher global warming potential than any of the mono gastric animals.
“To get the same amount of protein, tofu is worse.”​

Link at maggiesfarm.

I have never had tofu. Never. I don’t eat anything with soy as an ingredient. Soy has high levels of estrogen and contributes to feminization of Western Civilization and low sperm count.

And what the hell is “almond milk” or “oat milk?” I guarantee you can squeeze an almond or an oat grain as much as you want, you won’t get any kind of milk.

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