Wednesday, February 12, 2020


HGTV’s House Hunters tonight had a “throuple” looking to buy a home in Colorado. I did not watch the program, only read the synopsis, which I mentioned to my wife. She asked, “What is a throuple?” I said, “It’s three people. Man-man-woman, woman-woman-man.”

Was a time when queers and lesbians were not part of TV programs that showed couples looking for houses. Unmarried man-woman couples were not uncommon, but the overwhelming pairs were married.

Then, queer couples and lesbian couples became common on the shows. So far, no trans couples have been featured, not that I know of.

I do not watch shows that feature queers and lesbians. Two queers want to buy a vacation home on a Caribbean island, they have the right. And I have the right not to watch.

God said in the Hebrew scriptures and Christian scriptures that queer sex and lesbian sex are abominations. On the same level as fornication, witches and child sacrifice.

We have all those. Each is considered normal, at least by people who know their job is to do all thinking for us. Actually, though, those people do not know how to think, they know only how to repeat statements.

The house hunters turned out to be man-woman-woman.

The “throuple” has two children, a boy and a girl. Since all things sexual are normal, when the boy and the girl are older, whatever they do with each other will be normal and not punishable by law. If adults need not deny their desires, why should children?

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