Monday, January 4, 2021

With Corona, image counts

My wife said of the alleged Corona scanners: “They weren’t doing their jobs.” 

Before a Bay Pines VA CT scan this morning, my wife and I went through two scan points, the first with two men traffic directors and four women in traffic vests, the second with one and three.

At the second point, one woman approached the car. Both windows were down, since my wife and knew we would be shot with the temperature guns at close range. One woman approached the driver’s side. She took my wife’s temperature and then aimed the thermometer gun at me, from the driver’s side window. The light blinked red, and the scanner said we were good to go.

My wife is right. I don’t know the range of a thermometer gun, but I’m pretty sure you cannot get an accurate reading from four feet away.

But then, it is the government, and the presence of so many people in traffic uniforms, yellow vests, masks and aiming red light plastic guns is a good show.

The image, the image, the image.

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