Thursday, May 9, 2013

'Medical home' and your/my future

While researching information for the posting immediately below this one, I ran across an Arkansas bureaucracy that has to do with disabled care and gazillions of dollars.

“Patient centered medical home (PCMH): Within 3-5 years, nearly every Arkansan will have access to a medical home, which will provide comprehensive, team-based care, with a focus on chronic care management and preventive services. The medical home will support patients in their own self-management and help them engage with their extended care team of specialists, hospitals, and other providers. The medical home will bear responsibility for coordinating the complete health needs of a population.”

You might say, “Well, we need to plan for these things.”

Do we?

“Of course we do! Each one of us will reach a time when we’ll need more care than we can get at home.”

Ah, there’s the rub. We will need more care, and who better to provide that care than privately owned care facilities, paid for with federal taxes. Federal because most states will never have enough tax money to pay for the facilities, and the wealthier states are not likely to raise taxes in the necessary amounts. But the federal government has an unlimited income base from which it can raise money.

Take a look at the organization’s web page:

Everything … all of the proposals and on-going programs … are predicated on taxes.

“Caring for” physically disabled and mentally disabled and old people is a huge multi-multi-billion-dollar industry. Since we Baby Boomers constitute such large numbers, we will populate old folks homes, assisted living facilities, group homes as has never before been imagined. Our children will work to pay for our final years, and that payment will be in higher taxes, until we die in such great numbers that the government will roll back the taxes as no longer needed. Right.

Our children and grand-children might be better off putting us on the ice flow.

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