Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sarah A. Hoyt explains life and other stuff

(Note from SgtBob: Science fiction writings used to preach -- banned word -- that a future in which everyone shared and everyone was equally educated and employed and everyone made the same salary … Well, that would be like --not heaven, because there is a religious aspect to the word, not that there is anything wrong with religion, per se, but when people of religion start talking about how their religion is “better” than all other religions, well, that’s what starts wars and stuff. Oh, and competition. That starts wars and stuff, too. Anyway, science fiction writers now are divided between Social Justice Warriors and Sad Puppies -- or Rabid Puppies, as S.A. Hoyt mentions -- that world would be perfect. Or maybe not.)

Here are but two definitions from the SJW/SP front, and in American Society in general.

SJW – Social Justice Warrior, or Whiner, or Weenie, or Wacko. A person fixated on fighting perceived social ills and injustices, one who is determined to improve people’s lives even if it means making them miserable, oppressed, slaves of the benevolent agencies of the State. A proud supporter of Marxism “for the Children!”

Grey Goo – depressing, often painfully literary message fiction that (usually but not always) bashes men, the free-market, traditions, humans in general, science and the human spirit. Why science fiction has been in the doldrums for the past 15 years or so (see Human Wave below).

See entire list here:

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