Sunday, February 21, 2016

What do you call a man who strips buck-naked in a dressing room filled with girls?

Within his rights, in Seattle.

“News emerged last week that in early February, an adult male moseyed into a women’s changing room at a Seattle swimming pool and proceeded to remove every stitch of clothing as the members of a young girls’ swim team gaped on in horror.

“When asked about what the hell he was doing, the man allegedly claimed that he was a transgender woman: ‘The law has changed and I have a right to be here.’

“Officials say that the ‘woman’ in question made no attempt to appear as a woman nor to act as one. Seattle Parks spokesdude David Takami sputteringly explained that his department is committed to tolerating the ongoing delusions of men who claim that they’re women: ‘We want everyone to feel comfortable in our facilities.’ Apparently this does not include young girls who wouldn’t feel comfortable at the sight of men stripping naked in front of them.

“Completely discounting the understandable and legitimate fear of nubile females who have no desire to see strange males strip naked in front of them, nor to have the same males gawk at their nude bodies, the leftist totalitarians at Free Speech TV deemed a new South Dakota bill—the first in the nation to explicitly ban the sort of shenanigans that transpired in Seattle—as ‘transphobic,’ a neologism that Microsoft Word thankfully still redlines as not a word at all.

“Also last week, the decathlete formerly known as Bruce Jenner claimed that he’s received more criticism for being a political conservative than for falsely claiming that he’s a chick.”

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