Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why do archaeologists believe Canaanites or Hittites over Israelites?

The flood. Well, Babylonians had a similar story, so Israelites got the story from them.

Some psalms are similar to writings from Ugarit, so what is in the bible was taken from Ugarit tablets.

"The discovery of the Ugaritic archives in 1929 has been of great significance to biblical scholarship, as these archives for the first time provided a detailed description of Canaanite religious beliefs, during the period directly preceding the Israelite settlement. These texts show significant parallels to Hebrew biblical literature, particularly in the areas of divine imagery and poetic form. Ugaritic poetry has many elements later found in Hebrew poetry: parallelisms, metres, and rhythms. The discoveries at Ugarit have led to a new appraisal of the Hebrew Bible as literature.[citation needed]"


Yes, I would say "citation needed."

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