Sunday, August 14, 2022

2024 win necessary, and a generation or more continued winning

“(P)olitical eras are formed in America not on the basis of one election but rather five or six in a row. The Democrats kicked off the first era of our political history with Thomas Jefferson’s rout of John Adams in 1800, and they didn’t lose a presidential race until 1824, by which time Democratic politics was American politics. Ditto for the second era, which began with Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 victory; the GOP didn’t lose a presidential election until 1884. And the third era, which is coming to a miserable end, began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s rout of Herbert Hoover in 1932; it was 1952 before a Republican again won a presidential race, and Dwight Eisenhower was necessarily so timid when it came to domestic policy that by the end of his tenure the John Birch Society was convinced he was a communist mole.

“The point being, it takes a generation for the concrete of a new political era to cure. And that means it’s less important whether Trump or DeSantis wins in 2024 than that one of them does. And furthermore, what’s more important than that is the standard both of them set for Republican politicians up and down the governmental food chain.



  1. We have only ONE political party in America..,with two faces. No other part is allowed to have any meaningfull access to power. The DNC and the GOP are simply two sides of the same coin. Trump was and is an OUTSIDER. Which is why the left seeks his destruction and the right aids and abets them.

  2. John Bolton is the most enraging of supposed Republicans, calling President Trump a liar about the seized documents, but more so when he said he believed Trump would, after inauguration, establish a conventional Republican administration. That statement applies to many wealthy, influential Republicans, who believed "drain the swamp" nothing more than an easily remembered campaign slogan. To those, pitchforks and torches still apply.


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