Saturday, September 14, 2013

One president knows what he’s doing; another, not so much

In fact, the other hasn’t a clue. And that is scary.

A few pearls from Marc Steyn:

“Vlad is telling Obama: The world knows you haven’t a clue how to play the Great Game or even what it is, but the only parochial solipsistic dweeby game you do know how to play I can kick your butt all over town on, too.”

“It never occurred to him (Obama) that out there in the world beyond the Republic of Cool he’d set an actual red line and some dime-store dictator would cross it with impunity.”

“Putin has pulled off something incredible: He’s gotten Washington to anoint him as the international community’s official peacemaker, even as he assists Iran in going nuclear and keeping their blood-soaked Syrian client in his presidential palace. Already, under the ‘peace process,’ Putin and Assad are running rings around the dull-witted Kerry, whose Botoxicated visage embodies all too well the expensively embalmed state of the superpower.”

Link at

Remember back when we were bombing Serbia because people in the White House and in the State Department had no idea what Kosovo meant to Serbs, and the same people bought the Albanian/Muslim propaganda of bloodthirsty Orthodox Christians killing innocent peaceful Albanian Muslims? One night a Russian motorized infantry unit appeared in Belgrade, and US/NATO intel people were, “Where the hell did they come from?” It was to laugh, seeing LIVE FROM BELGRADE, where Serbs welcomed BRDMs and BTRs, crewed by their Slavic cousins.

Well, Putin as Bart Maverick beats that in spades. The president of Russia bitch-slapped the president of the UsofA, and ours doesn’t even know what happened.

I didn’t vote for Obama, but he is my president. He embarrassed all of us.

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