Monday, July 20, 2020

The coming election is an extinction event

If America returns Trump to office, we will survive.

From Bookworm Room


“(Scott) Adams had a very interesting observation about voter enthusiasm. According to Adams, his sense about many Democrats is that, while they despise Trump and know that they ought to vote for Biden, watching the Black Lives Matter / Democrat party agenda go into effect is frightening them. This level of fear might keep them away from the polls or even lead to their voting for Trump.

(We cannot assume that, though. We must vote, and we must talk to our friends and neighbors about voting.)

“Meanwhile, Republicans know what will happen if Biden wins: They will be facing what Adams calls an “EXTINCTION EVENT.” If the Democrats win this election, between open borders and amnesty, a shift to permanent voting by mail, and the end of American suburbs, the Democrats will ensure that a Republican never wins again. 

“We’ve already seen how the Jacobins on the left are busy purging their party of people who are insufficiently passionate in their support. The daily firings and forced resignations are, for now, the left’s guillotine.
“Think of the McCloskeys, stalwart leftists who are being persecuted for exercising their Second Amendment right to defend their home when a mob marched onto their property.
“Think of Gary Garrels, a very left senior curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art who was forced out because he said that the museum still had to accept works from white artists to avoiding engaging in racial discrimination.
“Think of Bari Weiss and Andrew Sullivan, both forced out of their jobs in the New York media because they were soft leftists, rather than hard. (Weiss and Sullivan were laughably categorized as “conservatives.” Neither is. They are conservative only to the extent that they are not from the hard left.)
“Think of Leo Terrell, a lifelong Democrat and civil rights attorney, who happens to be black. He is now being ostracized by everyone who was once part of his world because he’s called out the Black Lives Matter movement for its criminal acts, whether destroying cities, killing cops, executing fellow blacks, or shaking down corporations for millions of dollars.
“If the Democrat party and its fellow leftists are willing to do this to the people already on their side, just wait to see what they have in store for “the enemy” (that’s you — the white man, the white woman, the Jew, the Trump supporter of any race, sex, or faith).
“Think of Nick Sandmann, a 16-year-old boy, who was slandered across America and now lives under constant threat because he wore a MAGA hat. He was targeted because, after being insulted by racist Black Israelites and then having a scarily unkempt man pound a drum in his face, he offered a tentative smile to the man, trying to defuse the situation.
“Think of Goya foods, which Democrats in Congress targeted for a boycott aimed at destroying a company that employs thousands of people, simply because the company’s president expressed a preference for the Republican candidate instead of the Democrat candidate.
“This year, … we truly face an EXTINCTION EVENT. The left is no longer keeping it secret that it wants you dead. Your choice, therefore, is the choice that, if made wrong, always precedes a country’s collapse: VOTE OR DIE.

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