Thursday, November 21, 2019

Deep State braggarts believe they should run the country

Just imagine if Democratic bureaucrats in the CIA, FBI, Pentagon and State Department, the anti-Trump and anti-Deplorables, had their way and decided we don’t need those cumbersome elections. No divisiveness, no shrill arguments on TV news. Nope. Everybody just shut up and do what he/she is told to do.

Victor Davis Hanson, ‘”Coup” Concerns Suddenly Don’t Seem So Far-fetched’

“Recently, former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin proclaimed in a public forum, ‘Thank God for the deep state.’ Former CIA director John Brennan agreed and praised the ‘deep state people’ for their opposition to Trump.
“Far from denying the danger of an unelected careerist bureaucracy that seeks to overturn presidential policies, New York Times columnists have praised its efforts to nullify the Trump agenda.
“On the first day of the impeachment inquiry, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff called his initial two witnesses, career State Department diplomats William Taylor Jr. and George Kent. Far from providing damning evidence of criminal presidential behavior, Taylor and Kent mostly confined themselves to three topics: their own sterling resumes, their lack of any firsthand knowledge of incriminating Trump action, and their poorly hidden disgust with the manner and substance of Trump's foreign policy.”

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