Saturday, April 4, 2020

I’m a journalist and I know what I’m talking about

Well, no you don’t. Here’s some areas I covered in 15 years of newspaper work:

·       City councils
·       County commissioners court
·       Police and sheriff departments
·       School boards
·       People, including cowboys; a NY Metropolitan Opera singer; a Pulitzer Prize-winning author; veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm; sculptors; artists; teachers; firefighters; police officers; judges; prosecuting attorneys; defense attorneys; antique dealers; doll collectors; and just plain good ‘ol boys and good ‘ol girls.

The variety of organizations I covered required some knowledge of How Things Work. That was especially true in covering organizations whose existence was through passage of laws and approval of methods of operation. Every city council and every county government is created by law and is held responsible for actions or inactions.

Today’s news people, seeking instant gratification, have not bothered to Get an Education Before Talking or Writing. As pointed out by Kurt Schlichter in Town Hall:

“Another hitherto unknown skill that the media believes it possesses is logistics. “Why hasn’t Trump commanded a million ventilators to appear?!” the reporters demand. It’s pretty easy to see where they might have gotten the idea that the moment one articulates a desire to possess something that it magically appears. Capitalism has pretty much made that a reality. If you want something, you can go to a store and get it 24/7, or you can go on Amazon and it’ll be at your Manhattan apartment in 48 hours. Since they have never built anything or transported anything or distributed anything, only benefited from the labor of the unhip people who do those things, it’s only natural that the delayed adolescents who make up our media class imagine that material goods can be simply wished into being. After all, for all practical purposes during normal times, because of the efforts of Americans they look down upon, material goods pretty much can be simply wished into being. But prosperity takes work, not that the media would know.”

Link at maggiesfarm.

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