Thursday, April 18, 2013

Absolutely. Positively. Indeed.

“’Because of these milbloggers’ relentless assault on our First Amendment-protected right to lie about brief, unglamorous or nonexistent military service,’ PVFW chairman Michael Spurwick told reporters, ‘several of our members have suffered irreparable damage to their reputations, and a few have even had their businesses and careers ruined, after being exposed as frauds. Something had to be done.’

“Spurwick, a former Army sergeant, who was promoted to General before retiring as a Captain, has a long and impressive career of made-up military service.”

“One trick I recommend if you’re about to get busted is to claim your records were classified ‘above top secret’ or lost in a fire. If all else fails, threaten to sue. That usually works.”

Forced from a bunker at


  1. Ahh, the duffelblog. One of my Sergeants saw an article about the Hon. Hagel's plan to have Soldiers pay a gate fee to get on post. He believed it and told his Soldiers. Some people will actually believe anything.

  2. Somebody might want to talk with your sergeant. Or make him the re-enlistment NCO.


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