Thursday, January 22, 2015

I'm not cynical; I'm ODD

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has a new one: Oppositional defiant disorder, characterized by “an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.” Symptoms include “questioning authority, negativity, defiance, argumentativeness, and being easily annoyed.”

“New mental illnesses identified by the DSM-IV include arrogance, narcissism, above-average creativity, cynicism, and antisocial behavior. In the past, these were called ‘personality traits,’ but now they’re diseases. And there are treatments available.”

(Treatments no doubt chemical and which side effects might include unusual dreams, terroristic thoughts, etc. and etc.)

To be accurate, “the diagnosis guidelines for identifying oppositional defiant disorder are for children,” however, “adults can just as easily suffer from the disease.”

As the blogger says: “Getting some half-wit school counselor to tell an unsuspecting parent that their little boy has ‘oppositional defiant disorder’ is a money maker. The busy-bodies at the school get to push around the parents and the psychiatry rackets get another customer.”

‘I am ODD’

(The Z Man sometimes goes around the corner and across the line on his ethnic generalities, but overall his blog is a good read. And, anybody want to bet against the vast – vast – majority of ODD diagnostics will be boys?)

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