Thursday, August 9, 2012

America slides into being an enemy of its people

(The article is long and might anger some, but an intelligent reader will appreciate the method of expression.)

“Already in June 1991, Marine General Robert H. Barrow implored the U.S. Senate not to push women into combat roles. He laid out the plain truth that there is no military need for women in combat, and combat is not about achieving equality but killing effectively. He outlined the disastrous hobbling of that effectiveness that the admission of women would entail. All for naught, as America’s ruling elite has no interest in such mundane trifles as what makes soldiers prevail in the carnage of combat. If Obama is re-elected, relays a new book by Aaron Klein, Fool Me Twice, the U.S. military is to be transformed into a social work organization deployed to combat ‘global warming,’ global poverty and ‘injustice,’ and to serve as an arm of the United Nations.

“Writing in her blog on July 9th about the second mega-fraud in the commodities and foreign currency brokerage business — the theft of at least $220 million of customers’ funds on deposit at PFGBest nine months after disclosure of $1.5 billion missing from John Corzine’s MF Global — Ann Barnhardt, a pro in this business, described the U.S. regulatory system overseeing the futures industry as ‘an evil, despicable mafia, administered by politicking psychopaths on the take, and staffed by affirmative action hires to provide plausible deniability.’”

“The hideous, all-enveloping sludge is the work of all of them: the Marxist and crypto-Marxist saboteurs; lunatic White “Progressives” with their self-flagellating S&M “diversity”; well-meaning practitioners of Socialist-Statist brain onanism (e.g. Keynesians, big welfare advocates, 95% of credentialed economists and sociologists); cynical power grabbers in labor unions and government bureaucracies; mammon-mad banksters and their captured governments; growth-mad exponents of the paper-and-bailout socialized capitalism model; the cynical, nihilist managerial class; the American Neocons drunk on Empire wine; the Theocons-Neocons drunk on sweet Jesus juice. But above all, it’s the fault of the common people.”

Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to JCS Chief Gen. Colin Powell: "What’s the point of you saving this superb military for, Colin, if we can't use it?" (Wikipedia article on Albright.)

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