Sunday, May 29, 2016

These people married the ocean – ecosexual wedding

No, “ecosexual” does not mean doing it on a picnic table in a state or national park.

‘EcoSexual’ students at SMC ‘marry the ocean’

"Earlier this month, a professor at Santa Monica College led students in an ‘EcoSexual Sextravaganza’ in which participants ‘married the ocean.’

"Amber Katherine, a philosophy professor who helped organize the May 14 event, explained to Campus Reform that the purpose of the 'wedding' was to bring about a deeper love for the planet through 'ecocentric passion and even lust.'”

There is a video at the link. I didn’t watch the video; I’d like to keep my lunch off the keyboard.

Note: The participants look the way you would expect, the worst of hippie dress.

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