Saturday, September 15, 2018

When in doubt, call a tank

The gooks were in bunkers, four or five, dug in well, everything low to the ground and hard to see. Somebody in Second Platoon spotted something that didn’t look right and opened fire and then everybody was shooting at that one bunker. Gooks in the other bunkers started firing and we quickly realized we were in a gun fight. After a while, Foxtrot Six radioed all tracks to move back fifty meters, behind a small hump. Then a FAC came in and fired a willy pete rocket. Two F-105s followed, with four 250-pound bombs each on the bunker area. Foxtrot Six moved First and Second Platoons into the complex then. Sergeant Guerrero from First Platoon later said they took fire from one bunker, and an M48 tank moved forward and stuck the main gun muzzle close to the bunker. "It was ... ," Guerrero said, and he moved his hands. "It was ... something else, man. That gun fired, and there was dust and pieces of gook and shit coming out the firing apertures. We was all applauding and shaking our fists and saying, 'All right, man, all right.' "He shook his head. "It was something else, man."

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