Saturday, December 28, 2019

Russia's super duper really, really fast missile

They're lying. An ICBM that goes 27 times the speed of sound. Or, 20,709 mph. Or, 33345 kph. 

Years ago, sometime in the early 1960s, in a Victory Day parade in Moscow's Red Square. the then-Soviet Union had in its drive-by military hardware a mobile intercontinental missile, a big dude on a big trailer, pulled by a big vehicle. Western intelligence agencies went nuts trying to figure out how had the Reds made that thing in such secrecy? 

Several years later, a defector gave the answer: The thing was a fake. The tractor vehicle was real, as was the missile trailer. But the missile  body? Empty. Yep. There was no mobile ICBM. 

The Reds were just as good at lying about non-existent missiles as they were at covering up the deaths of millions from starvation in the Ukraine in the 1920s.

That's a thing about Russians, Red or nowadays ones. They lie. It's as much a part of the Russian psyche as is drinking too much vodka.

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