Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What to do with the old folks

A neighbor in Sulphur Springs, Texas, told my wife about what happened to an older woman who had lived across the street from our house. One day her son came to visit and during the visit told his mother she should pack a suit case, she was going on a trip. The woman did as her son said, and the son put his mother and her suit case in his car and took her to a nursing home.

The son had power of attorney for his mother’s affairs, and within a short time sold her house.

How horrible, my wife and I said. What a terrible thing to do to your mother.

Sunday, my mother-in-law moved into an assisted living home. My wife and I know the diagnosed mental and physical deterioration. A doctor said my mother-in-law must not live alone. People at church several weeks ago said to my wife, “Take your mother’s car keys. Do not let her drive.” My wife and I know of illogical decisions, of not remembering what happened five minutes ago or the day before, times when she did not know who my wife was.

Thirty years ago it was easy to say “How terrible. How horrible.”

And, yes, my wife will soon put her mother’s home on the market.

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