Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Any organization whose letter for donations starts this way isn’t honest

“In Iraq, shrapnel ripped through Jeremy’s eye and into his brain, blinding him for life!

“Pain beyond words … seven hours of brain surgery … coma … learning to live in a world of darkness, seizures, and pain. This was what awaited Jeremy Feldbusch when he came home. It was agony, and it never got much easier.

“I write to you in this time of war because heroes like Jeremy need your help as they come home – injured and sick – from the current conflicts.”

The entire letter is two pages, so I won’t transcribe the whole thing. Let’s just say it is two pages of suck.

A little checking shows the non-profit pays out to programs between 62% and 65% of cash donated. An A+ rating would be 80% or more.

Officer salaries for FY2009 totaled $700,301, with FY2010 salaries at 1.02 million. The executive director makes around $340,000.

What kind of pi$$es me off, too, is that “current conflicts” business.


  1. You say this appeal is dishonest. If the event happened, what's wrong with telling the story? Do you object to the use of emotion? Explain why this is inherently bad if you could. Thanks.

  2. Mr. Newberry: The writing is dishonest because of its blatant appeal to emotionalism, which leads to request for money and because the organization exists strictly to raise money for its administration. I failed in not listing the organization’s name. I don’t know how I managed not to do that. But, as I wrote at the time, the organization in fiscal year 2009 totaled paid its officers $700,301, and in fiscal year 2010, raised payments to $1.02 million. And, as noted, the executive director made around $340,000, almost 50% of FY2009 salaries and one-third of FY2010 salaries. I think the organization is dishonest. My opinion, based on research.


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