Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do Arkansas schools teach stupid in driver education?

I ask, because every driver I’ve seen entering an interstate highway or other multiple-lane road does so stupidly.

Here’s how it works: You are driving at the speed limit or just below, in the right-hand lane. A car appears on your right; a driver about to enter the highway. The car travels at 45-50 mph down the entire length of the access lane and then eases to the left, regardless of any traffic already occupying the right-hand lane.

Sometimes you can change lanes, allowing the entering car easy access. Sometimes you cannot change lanes.

The entering driver does not care if you change lanes. He will ease into your lane whether or not you are there. That is when you hit your brakes and … It’s good that cuss words do not break glass.

Arkansas folks will not like this, but I’m going to say it anyway. I learned to drive in Texas. Here’s how it works in Texas: Get on and get out of the way. Easy. None of that lollygagging along the access lane and then easing into a lane that might be already occupied.

Get on, get out of the way.

And another really, really p!ssoff thing about Arkansas drivers – When that driver has eased into the right-hand lane, he will continue driving at 50 mph for a half mile or so and then kick it up to 70 or 75, and I’m wondering why the heck didn’t he do that to start with?

Another thing about driving in Texas is the recognition of reality, the signs that say “Drive Defensively.” That means make sure you know where other drivers are and what they are likely to do.

I’ll probably not send this as a letter to the editor of the statewide newspaper.

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