Saturday, January 17, 2015

What baseball fans do when having nothing to do

Babe Ruth’s first major league game was on July 11, 1914, with the Boston Red Sox. The oldest player on that team was catcher Bill Carrigan, 30. Carrigan broke in on July 7, 1906, with Boston. The oldest player on the 1906 team was Cy Young, 39. Young broke in with the Cleveland Spiders on Aug. 6, 1890. The oldest player on that team was Joe Ardner, age 32. Ardner broke in with the Cleveland Blues on May 1, 1884. The oldest player on that team was Doc Bushong, who was 28. Bushong broke in with the Philadelphia Athletics on July 19, 1876. The oldest player on that team was Nealy Phelps, age 35. Phelps broke in with the New York Mutuals on July 1, 1876. The oldest player on the Mutuals was Joe Start, age 33. Start broke in with the Mutuals on May 18, 1876. Major league baseball started in 1876, so you can’t go farther back than that.

Major league baseball was 38 years old when 19-year-old George Ruth put on his Boston uniform.

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