Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fleeing the war in Syria, or Invasion of Europe continues

Pakistanis, Chinese, Indians, Africans, Turks – all find Europe an entitlement-rich candy land. And even some Syrians.

“What Suleiman the Magnificent could not achieve by force of arms in the 16th century, his descendants now complete by force of altruism. Imagine the fury of Europe’s past invaders to learn that all conquest required was columns of filthy screaming men and pregnant women. A military resource always smirking right under their nose!”

Link at

(TV reports show mostly women and children, but the majority of the “immigrants” are men, 18-40.)

From Steve Sailer:

“There’s much discussion in the press about where it would be best for Arab refugees from Syria to settle: Would they be best off in Munich? London? Reykjavik? Or Minneapolis? Which white people most need the blessings of diversity provided by Sunnis and Shi’ites? (Obviously, Syrian Arabs couldn’t go to other Arab countries like Qatar. Don’t be silly.)

“The sophisticated reasoning of 2015 is that if you and your countrymen blow up your own country through your sheer mutual bloodymindedness, you therefore have an unassailable moral claim to inhabit the nicest countries on other continents. If you are a young fellow in your prime, why should you have to settle for a refugee camp in neighboring Turkey when there are Swedish girls unmolested in Malmo and English girls unpimped in Rotherham?

“Think of the children!

“Granted, most of the other times the West has imported lots of Muslims, we just wound up with dead cartoonists and gang-raped 12-year-old girls all over the place.

“But, that’s irrelevant, because This Time Will Be Different!


“Because. Just because.”


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