Wednesday, March 23, 2016

North Dakota professor calls 911 on ROTC drill

“I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my window. My first thought is for my students’ and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911. The dispatcher keeps me on the line until someone can see if ROTC is doing maneuvers.

“I can barely talk—first, with fear, and then with rage when the dispatcher reports back that yes, in fact, I’ve probably just seen ROTC cadets, though they’re going to send an officer to check because no one has cleared it with them. They thank me for reporting it.

“[A university officer] also tells me that ROTC will be doing these exercises for the next couple weeks.

“So I reply that I guess I’ll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time.

“It’s not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat. It’s my job to teach and to get home to my family.

“It’s already highly inappropriate to conduct unnecessary military maneuvers in the middle of the quad. But with school shootings on the increase and tensions at UND running high, it’s especially irresponsible.”

Linked from

Whole stupid thing here:

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