Monday, October 29, 2018

Which religion might be offended?

Why, the one every government and company in Europe fears. Be nice to the Muslim and he will be nice to you. Give in to what he wants, because you don’t want to hurt his feelings. Or something.

“There will be a nativity scene in Bruges this year, but there will be no Christmas lights, which will provide space for winter lighting. The opposition wonders what is actually wrong with a Christmas market.  ‘Unbelievable and incomprehensible", responds Senator Pol Van Den Driessche (N-VA) . ‘From now on we can no longer speak of the 'Christmas market' in Bruges, but of the 'winter market'. This is not only a ridiculous decision, it also goes against our individuality. Bruges has a very beautiful and old tradition in terms of Christmas. Whether you are religious or not, it is part of our culture. I do not want to give in to this foolish form of 'tolerance'. "

Business person responds:  "With the name 'winter market' we want to be more neutral. We do not understand where the commotion comes from. It is already the second year that the name has changed. Let alone that we would have something against the Catholic Christmas,’ says Piet Vanderyse. According to the trade center, the main aim is to better promote the activities that have little to do with Christmas, such as the ice rink. The offer on the 'winter market' therefore remains completely unchanged and mainly focused on Christmas items. ‘It is simply an all-encompassing name. People certainly do not have to look for anything more ‘, says Vanderyse.” 

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Soon, all Christian holidays will be renamed, so as “not to offend” that other religion.

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