Thursday, June 9, 2022

Why is there not a Civil War 2 right now?

Because we have no identifiable targets. There is no one to shoot.

For almost 100 years the Left has sought to rid the nation of suburbs and force us into megacities. Look at New Deal plans for relocating rural populations, for tearing down urban neighborhoods and building acres of massive apartment buildings, for complete control of farms and farmers.

They have not stopped.

‘Our economic misery isn’t an accident, it’s the plan’

From Sultan Knish

High gas prices aren’t “Putin’s price hike”, but they’re not even “Biden’s price hike”, they’re the “Left’s price hike”. Car and gas prices are meant to squeeze Americans out of car ownership. It’s such an unsubtle ploy that administration members will actually boast about it. And then they’ll urge Americans to buy $60,000 electric cars that they know people can’t afford.

The utterly blatant goal is to eliminate millions of cars by making it too expensive to drive.

And Democrats are working on this on multiple ends, from environmental and safety regulations, to raising gas prices, to artificial car shortages. Even those who can afford an electric car or get a government subsidized one will be kept off the road by high power rates.

Home prices? The Left has spent generations trying to kill the suburbs and the housing market. Much as it’s worked very hard to wipe out private sector medicine by using the stresses of the system against it. Making the private market for a good or service completely inaccessible for the vast majority of people paves the way for nationalizing it. The Left does not want people living in smaller communities. It has plainly said that everyone should have to live in cities.

Taking out the home and car markets are both means of limiting mobility and forcibly concentrating populations in dense urban clusters under their panopticons. These are the same strategies used by the Soviet Union and Communist China. And have the same intended end.



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