Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Democrats are in agreement

"What a year it's been for the national Democrats. So far, they've gone all in on baby murdering, they're apparently OK with their members appearing in blackface (for which they would've absolutely crucified Kavanaugh or any Republican elected official ), sexual assault is also a forgivable offense, and most recently, they're having trouble coming to a consensus on whether blatant anti-Semitism and Jew-hatred is actually wrong. And all this time, they've been spinning more and more unhinged anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In a sane world, one in which the Democrats didn't have a compliant, supine, sympathetic media that pretty much has their back on every issue, instead treating them adversarially as they do Republicans, they would be extinguished as a national party. But even so, if what we've seen so far is any indication, and it's only March, 2019 is going to be lit af."

At first I thought “lit af” was a typo. I looked it up. As a public service for those who don’t have the time to search (or don’t want to), it means “1. When you are so high normal words cannot describe. 2. Other word for awesome, hot, cool lit af: lit as fuck.

I’m still stuck in 20th century vocabulary. And I plan to remain there.

Also from Ace:

 “(T)he Democrat Party is an anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American entity that poses an existential threat to our existence. And it's not just the party which is the political apparatus in government. It is also the media and most crucially the schools. They are acting in concert, using the very freedoms they despise to proclaim that what they are doing is in the name of preserving them. Forget Trump. It's not even about him. It's about all of us because we elected him and he has so far jammed a giant monkey wrench into the gears. And whether people are willing to see this or not, the choice is abundantly clear: you are either with us or with the terrorists. There is no middle ground because at this point there is no longer any common ground.

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